Archive for August 26th, 2009

Simulation Lab

Well, today I’m at clinical in the simulation lab at school. I have to be honest, the Sim. Lab frightens me to know end.
Why? At the end of last semester, we had a simulation lab without ever being told what one was or what to expect. We actually didnt even know we were going to a skills lab that was any different. In this kind of lab though….anything can happen. Patients can throw up, scream, seize, die, need multiple IVs, suctioning, catheters, Hemovac drains, angry families….all at once!!! Last semester, I was in the first group to go and was trying to give meds while the patient (which had a voice box) was screaming and throwing up. Scarred for life.
The horror stories of simulation lab are pretty amazing. The first group to go this semester had multiple students crying in front of their patients apparently. And because they cried in front of their patients (which are dummies but are supposed to be treated like real patients in a real clinical setting) they got marked down. Some groups got sent home for “not coming in with any brain density” and being totally unprepared. I’m in the second group which is this week and next.
The first half went pretty well though- no tears yet!!
We have scenarios with three patients in each one. We switch roles for each patient. For the first patient, I was the silent observer which was great. For the second one, I was charge nurse overseeing all the other roles, guiding, and documenting along with talking with the doctors. I did a good job and got excellent feedback which I am very excited about!

In the last scenario I was the IV/treatment nurse and did a dressing change, trach care, and suctioning. I started off not remembering some stuff but after I got over my nerves it was a piece of cake.
Overall, a great clinical day 🙂

Some other blogs.

So, I was online last weekend at work during a slow patch and have been finding so many nursing/medical blogs out there on the worldwide web.
On the right hand column I’ve put links to a few of them. Feel free to check them out!
Nursing blogs for mental health, LPN’s, emergency room…its all totally different perspectives.

One of my posts got featured here at Grand Rounds which is very exciting!
The Examining Room

I was also featured here at Change of Shift!

Both are carnival type blogs where people are featured to get some exposure for their work. Thanks guys!
